As part of our ongoing work with The Santa Cruz MAH, we recently refreshed the microsite used for membership renewals. The site is build on WordPress and Gravity Forms, with various plugins providing functionality including those from For Gravity, gravity+ and Gravity Wiz. Read more
Museum Computer Network is
a membership-based professional association that provides a space for museum professionals to connect, share resources and best practices, develop their careers, and advance digital transformation in museums. Hosted every year since 1968, MCN’s Annual Conference draws over 600 cultural heritage professionals from museums, historic sites and visitor attractions in North America and beyond. Read more
I’m happy to have launched the website for artist Mel Chin’s land art project, The Tie That Binds, part of CURRENT:LA Water, Los Angeles’s inaugural public art biennial.
Originally from Houston Texas, Mel Chin is known for works that require multi-disciplinary, collaborative teamwork that conjoin cross-cultural aesthetics with complex ideas. Read more
I had the honor of presenting an introduction to the National Museum Website Visitor Motivation Survey project at the 2016 Museums and the Web conference in Los Angeles. I shared this honor with my project co-leader, Sarah Wambold, Director of Digital Media at the Clyfford Still Museum. Read more
Led by Principal Joel Sanders, JSA “creates innovative and sustainable environments in response to today’s rapidly changing culture.” Sanders is a Professor of Architecture at Yale University and former Director of the Graduate Program in Architecture at Parsons School of Design. Read more
Founded by Martin C. Pedersen and Steven Bingler, Common Edge is a non-profit organization dedicated to “reconnecting architecture and design with the public that it’s meant to serve.” The website features essays, interviews and commentary by architects and thinkers in the field. Read more
I’m proud to announce that I’ll be presenting at Museums and the Web this year. I’m involved in two sessions:
The first is Visitor-First, Mobile-First: Designing a Visitor-Centric Mobile Experience, part of part of the User-Centered Design session, chaired by Michael Parry of the Powerhouse Museum. Read more
I’m leading, with collaborator Sarah Wambold, a nationwide study into the motivation of visitors to museum websites. As of this writing we have 22 participating institutions, including representatives in Canada and Australia.
The VMS on the website of the Menil Collection
Google Analytics is a powerful tool in understanding traffic to a website, but site statistics alone do not always tell the full story. Read more
Photo by Hayden Yates.
The first workshop held at Spellerberg Projects was New Year, New Color! by teaching artists Honoria Starbuck and Luanne Stovall. The workshop was held as a companion to Starbucks’s exhibition, Flaneuse; teaching is a big part of her practice and the workshop was a way to express that in the gallery. Read more
Photo by Hayden Yates
Exhibition flyer
On Saturday, January 16 2016, I opened Spellerberg Projects, an art space in Lockhart Texas, with the exhibition Flaneuse by artist Honoria Starbuck. Honoria is a longtime collaborator; I’ve worked together on various web-based artworks and helped install various shows of hers over the years. Read more
In November 2015 the Warner Bros crew producing The Leftovers moved out of my building at 103 S Main St. Over the next two and a half months, with the help of friends, consultants and contractors, I transformed it into an art gallery. Read more
Top of the MAH homepage, desktop view
We’re excited to have launched a new homepage for the Santa Cruz Museum of Art And History! It’s the fruit of a year of development, analytics and design.
Led by Executive Director Nina Simon, the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History is a participatory museum. Read more