Spellerberg Projects Fall 2022

Gallery update! The last couple of months we’ve focused on our community. Last month we presented a group show of our studio artists Alex Renbarger, Jennifer Moore, Juania Sueños, Laurel Coyle and Sam Foster.

Visitors examine artwork hanging in a gallery
Artwork on display in a gallery: A sculpture made of wood and rope; and a painting of a storefront at night.
Artwork on display in a gallery: A drawing of shuttlecocks; a sculpture made of an old vacuum cleaner.

This month we present the “Screep Show,” works by Skully Gustafson, Tyler Hagebusch, Jimmy Frezza and studio artist Sam Foster. Screep (Scary + Creepy) formed at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in the early 2000’s.

Artists Skully Gustafson and Jimmy Frezza speak with Marty Spellerberg outside Spellerberg Projects gallery.
Artwork on view in an art gallery. On one wall, twenty small drawings hang on a grid. Seven larger paintings hang on another wall. The style is chaotic and dark.
Eight paintings hang on a gallery wall. The style mixes tight renderings of figures with chaotic brush strokes and chaotic impasto.

Sending appreciation and well-wishes to our outgoing gallery coordinator Alex Renbarger as she heads to Nebraska to begin an MFA at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The image on the right is a painting she made of the gallery.

Alex Renbarger, a woman standing in a gallery with a clipboard. She is wearing a red cardigan.
A painting of the Spellerberg Projects storefront gallery.

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