Here we will go through the steps for creating a Google Maps interface for a WordPress blog. Posts will appear as markers on the map, which you can click to reveal the post content in the Google Maps Infowindow.
Download a ZIP of the complete example. Read more
Multiple on the Wednesday Cooper website.
What’s your favorite super power? Flight? Strength? Invisibility? For as far back as I can remember, mine has had to do with time: I wish I could do two things at once.
The closest example in mainstream comics is Marvel’s Multiple Man. Read more
Photographer Seth Anderson is based in Chicago, a city that is often his subject. Prolific on Flickr, his images are frequently licensed for reproduction in blogs, books, documentaries and other media. We created a site that makes it easy to order physical prints. Read more
The technique applied on Seth Anderson’s photo site.
The WordPress taxonomy functions make it easy to give your visitors links to per-tag archives of posts. But is it possible to give them archives of more than one tag? Sure it is! Read more
I’ve been upgrading artist Flavio Trevisan’s site to take advantage of some of the features that have been added to WordPress since we first did the implementation. This gave me the opportunity to revisit a PHP function I use to pull images from the WordPress attachment gallery for use in jQuery slideshows. Read more
An interface to display short video clips in a gallery setting.
Interactive Touchscreen Interface using jQuery and HTML5 Video
Playing a video.
In 2009 artist Midi Onodera created a series of 52 short clips designed for podcasting. I have been fortunate to be involved in this project, providing technical support and new media development. Read more
Do you find yourself with a bunch of Posts organized into Categories and are thinking, Wouldn’t it be nice to make a page where people can get a taste for what’s in each Category? I found myself in exactly this situation with Seth Anderson’s photography site. Read more
Donald Weber is a photographer with the VII Network, mainly studying post-Soviet authority in Ukraine and Russia. With this site Don is offering a series of photographs in Kickstarter-like support of his forthcoming documentary photography book. I see it as an experiment in the disruption of the traditional ways and means of Art capitol using internet technologies. Read more
Midi Onodera is an award-winning Canadian filmmaker/moving image artist who creates shorts intended for “small screen” podcasting. This redesign includes a visual overhaul based on a look mocked-up by designer Ruby Pajares, and a full refactoring of the theme’s codebase. The fonts are Chaparral Pro and Museo Sans. Read more
Chris Kennedy is a filmmaker, film programmer and writer whose work “operates in dialogue with the history of film as art.” This is Chris’ first site and serves as a calling-card for his pedagogical work. I wanted the stills from his films to be the primary visual statement, with the rest of the design as quiet as possible. Read more
Convenience shows work “that engages, experiments, and takes risks with the architectural, urban, and civic realm.” The site architecture is straightforward: present the exhibitions in reverse chronological order. So for this redesign we applied simple accordion navigation to open-up past entries. Read more
Since version 2.5 WordPress has included the ability to upload images and “attach” them to posts and pages. The user can upload a batch of images and the system will create copies at various sizes specified in the site settings. There’s an interface for setting an order and captions. Read more