In-Gallery Kiosk for Artist Midi Onodera
The Archive and Everyday Life Conference, held May 6–8, 2010 at McMaster University, examined how fields of archive intersect with everyday life. The conference program includes panel discussions, screenings, and visual art.
Midi Onodera’s year-long 2009 video project A Movie A Week was on view in the accompanying group exhibition held at Hamilton Artists Inc. from May 1–15. Her collection of 52 mini-movies “focus the lens on daily, un-monumental occurrences fit for the small screen.”
A long-time collaborator of Midi’s, I developed her site and online-presentation of A Movie A Week. For this exhibition, Ruby Pajares and I created a stand-alone version of the project (image above) that could be run off a lap-top.

Posted May 2010